
POBA Dataset

POBA Dataset

The dataset is named after the title of the project Psychophysiological Outcomes of Brain Atrophy (POBA). See the project details in the corresponding section of the website.

Dataset description: POBA consists of about 100 features reflecting the overall psychophysiological status of examinees. The battery of tests used while collecting it covers diverse aspects of cognitive functioning, both high-level and basic-level ones. It includes the overall number of 231 cases of MRI examination and psychophysiological tests of people of different ages (8-90 years old). Written patient’s consent was obtained in each case. We tested children after receiving parental consent with assent from minors.

All the examinees are either patients who suffer from periodic headaches and are anxious about having organic brain pathology or healthy participants examined at the beginning of their professional sports career. The exclusion criteria were as follows: organic brain pathology, mental disorders, head injury. The dataset is provided on demand

Collecting the dataset: We did not renumerate the study participants neither for joining the research nor for the good score in test results. Otherwise, the samples collected could be less representative of the general population. Each participant was tested individually; a single testing session lasted about a quarter an hour. Short acquisition time made this testing battery suitable for regular screening of hazardous workers and athletes to ensure occupational safety.

Ethics: The study received an ethical review and approval from UAEU Human Research Ethics Committee (Notice Number: ERH_2019_4006 19_11). No potentially identifiable personal information is presented in the study.

Downloading the dataset: The dataset is provided on demand. To request the dataset, please, fill in the form

References: While using the dataset, please cite the following journal article by us. It contains the description of the dataset and the methods of acquiring the data.

Statsenko Y. et al. Applying the inverse efficiency score to visual-motor task for studying speed/accuracy performance while aging //Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. – 2020. – Vol. 12. – P. 452. DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2020.574401


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